Environmental Mainstreaming Tools (All)


The Environmental Mainstreaming Tools (EMT) includes:

§  Environmental Policy (EP)

§  Environmental Budgeting (EB)

§  Environmental Competency (EC)

§  Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC)

§  Environmental Facility (EF)

§  Environmental Reporting and Communication (ERC)

§  Environmental Transparency (ET)


         1.   Environmental Policy (EP)

Even though TKSS fall under Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) category, but TKSS uses strong and unequivocal statements to convey their environmental commitment to their employees, translate into action in the organization’s work procedures, materials purchasing, business decision making process and cascades down to the supply chain and to the public. To ensure that the EP is being communicated within the organization, it is displayed at various strategic areas, briefing to existing employees through various departmental meeting and briefing to new employee(s) through induction program.

Figure 1: TKSS Environmental Policy


2.      Environmental Budgeting (EB)

Sufficient budget must be set aside solely for the purpose of taking measures to comply with the environmental regulatory requirements and other environmental-related improvements. At the design stage, budget must be available for the design and installation of the pollution control facilities. Meanwhile at the operational stage, budget must be allocated for proper operation and maintenance of pollution control systems and management of waste generated by the industry.


Environmental Budget for FYE 2019/2020






Disposal of Scheduled Waste



Seminar / Training



Compound (DOE)



Scheduled Waste Storage Area Improvement






Spillage Kit





Table 1: TKSS Environmental Budget for FYE 2019/2020



3.      Environmental Competency (EC)

Under Environmental Quality Act 1974, 49A, an owner or occupier of a premise shall employ a person who has been certified by the Director General as competent person. Below was TKSS Competent Person for CePSWaM, personnel who has been assigned the task to perform DOE-regulated functions.

Environmental Competency



Name of Competent Person

Competency Certificate


Scheduled Waste

Asmadi Bin Muhamed Redin



Bag Filter

To be attended


Table 2: TKSS Environmental Competency


Figure 2: Attended CePSWaM training.

Figure 3: Finally a Competent Person for CePSWaM!

 4.       Environmental Monitoring Committee


To promote collective responsibility to be environmentally compliant, TKSS has established two monitoring committees, which one was at the working level and another one at the policy level. 

At the working level, the committee known as the Environmental Performance Monitoring Committee (EPMC), that is chaired by a SHEO and conduct meeting once a month.

At the policy level, the committee is called as the Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Committee (ERCMC), which meets yearly. The Managing Director of TKSS chairs the ERCMC.


Environmental Performance Monitoring Committee (EPMC)

Figure 4: TKSS EPMC Organisation Chart


Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Committee (ERCMC)

Figure 5: TKSS ERCMC Organisation Chart

Figure 6: TKSS Letter of committee appointment


Figure 7: TKSS List of duty of committee member

5.   Environmental Facility (EF)

Figure 8: Left view of TKSS SW storage (Top) and Right view (Bottom)


Scheduled Waste Storage

Schedule Waste storage defines as holding of Scheduled Waste for a temporary period (SW storage duration not more than 180 days or 6 months after its generation) prior before those wastes being transported, treated and disposed. At TKSS, the SW storage was in the same area where those SW generated. Thus TKSS Scheduled Waste storage sheltered and roofed properly since it builds inside the factory area. Moreover, the floor was completely covered by concrete with free from cracks and gaps, and was properly sloped towards collection pit/slump. This SW storage was built after TKSS get the first compound, so it was built carefully according to the specification.

Figure 9: SW storage collection pit/slump


As safety requirement, adequate signage was clearly put up around the store as reminder to whoever involved always alert and take safety precaution to prevent any accident from happen. Plus, the Person in Charge contact number is posted in front of the store if any unwanted incident happened.


Figure 10: SW ready for disposal

  6.     Environmental Reporting and Communication (ERC)

Environmental issue at TKSS was discussed and reported on monthly basis during ERCMC meeting chaired by Managing Director.. Each of committee members will rise up any issue related to environment such as scheduled waste. All the issue has been recorded in meeting minutes. The most recent meeting minute will be posted on the Notice Board for all staffs information.

Figure 11: Sample of Meeting Minutes

 7.   Environmental Transparency (ET)


All relevant information on the environmental issue been shared with customers using:

     Website: https://tkssmasterbatchsb.blogspot.com/

     Inquiry / Complaint email: tkssmasterbatchsb@gmail.com

     Environmental policy at the office entrance of  the company premises


     Notice Board


Figure 12: Sample of brochure and photos of notice board